Hidden Wings: Social Distance Chapter

Welcome to Hidden Wings: Social Distance Chapter

During these unprecedented times, a connection is more important than ever.

We encourage Members, Mentors, and Families of Hidden Wings to use the CDC website as well as information we include here on our page.

Our program physician, Julia Billington, M.D.,  asks that we follow all guidelines and follow Social Distance Protocol.

Any Social Distance Meetings are subject to cancellation based on CDC reports and weather.

-the students before they come are prescreened by their parents so that they have no fever, dry cough, or flu-like symptoms.  We have Aimee Carroll present, EMT, to evaluate students for the same. 
-Also that no one in the house has these symptoms
-And that we discourage people with underlying medical conditions that would make them vulnerable to illness from attending.

We are in this together, no matter where we are!

——From the Hidden Wings Team

Stay Home Whenever Possible 🙂 Help your family make a list of Essential Items everyone needs. Shopping should be done sparingliy.

Our Members having been learning about Social Distancing and Food Safety during this time. Click the links below to see our PowerPoint Discussions!

Weekly Hidden Wings Schedules

Thank you parents, mentors, members and supporters of Hidden Wings for helping us start our online Hidden Wings Program.

Each Week we will offer up to 2 Zoom Meetings at day, at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm. Meeting times and activities may be subject to change, to better support our team and members.

Hidden Wings: Zoom Classroom Tools




Hidden Wings: LIVE!

Hidden Wings is please to announce that we will start recording our Zoom Sessions! We will also upload videos made by Mentors and Members.

If you would like to see all of our recordings, please contact a Mentor. You must receive YouTube links to be able to view our recordings.

Join us as we workout and review the new protocols associated with COVID-19.

Some of our Members are choosing to become ServSafe certified online.
Good work, Team!

Social Distance Gatherings

Hello, Hidden Wings Member and Mentors!

As the year progresses, we will work hard to incorporate Social Distancing Guidelines to our program.

All Attendees of Hidden Wings will wear face masks and remain 6 feet apart. Feel free to download a workout invitation for a full list of items you will need to bring; such as: a mask, hand sanitizer, and your own food.

We will not be able to share any items at this time.

Members who typically need 1:1 assistance must be supported by someone from their household at this time.