A job and a friend for everyone with Autism
Hidden Wings is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to nurturing the gifts of young adults with autism so that they might have full and productive lives in society.
Most high school graduates with autism and learning differences are ill-prepared to face the challenges of the world. Hidden Wings is pioneering the development of a post-secondary school, a place specifically designed for visual thinkers.
The school is dedicated to the belief that everyone on the autistic spectrum possesses “Hidden Wings,” which are extraordinary gifts often masked by social limitations. Its programs emphasize:
- rigorous exercise
- a predictable and loving environment
- intellectual stimulation based upon the unique gifts of every student.
The goal is not the remediation of deficits but the cultivation of individual talents.
Hidden Wings was established in 2009 by the Rev. James and Dr. Julia Billington, both honors graduates of Harvard University with decades of combined experience in the Episcopal Ministry, business, and medicine.
Based in California’s Santa Ynez Valley, our Board of Directors and advisors includes a special needs lawyer, a CPA, a special education teacher, a transition specialist, a child psychiatrist, the world’s most renowned expert on Savant Syndrome, a prominent businessman, and a pediatrician.
We invite you to join us in this exciting adventure to unfurl the gifts of autism.
Your contributions are tax deductible, and we deeply appreciate your support.
Please click here to view a video interview with Jim and Julia Billington on Hidden Wings
Please click here to view Hidden Wings Brochure