SketchUp is a 3D modeling computer program for a wide range of drawing applications such as architectural, interior design, civil and mechanical engineering, film, and video game design. Please click thumbnails to view full-sized images
Hidden Wings Stained Glass Mandala
Hourglass of Endless Time
Ocean of Time Mandala
Points of the Circle
Happy Valantine’s Day Friend
The Sea of Autism Speaks
Vibrant Arena
Square in a Circle
Droplet Maze Water and Groundcover
Alternate Bullseye Bamboo and Water
Bird’s Eye View Vegitation and Water
Bullseye of 4 Vegitation and Water
Circle of Wonder Tile
Circles of Squares Water and Stone
Kaleidoscope tranclucent
Drum of Dreams Stone Water Tile Translucent
Hypnosis Obscured Groundcover Stone Tile Vegetation Water
Intricate Star Translucent
Maze of Wonder Bricks
Pinewheels in a Bowl Fencing Tile Water Stone
Stairs of a Star Water
The Eyes Of Quad Diamonds Colors-Noted Tile Translucent Stone Groundcover Metal
Digital Photography/Design and 3-Dimensional Art
Please click thumbnails to view full-sized images.